
So What's My Story?

After 3 years of being a poor social worker (the work I loved, the pay I didn't), I decided it was time to go back to school and get my Master's! After weighing my options (school far away from home, or school in a different country that is only an 8-hour drive from home) I decided to try my luck in British Columbia, Canada.

For a year I lived in
Surrey, BC while attending Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC. However, as the final component of my work toward my Masters degree in Criminology I have moved back to the states to complete an internship at an Independent Living Program for youth leaving the foster care system.

Here is the story of my adventures as a graduate student in a "foreign" country as well as my current work back in the states.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

U.S. Secret Prisons

I need money. So, I took a second campus job. In addition to being a tutor marker for an online course, I am now also a teaching assistant for an on-campus course. This week I sat in on the lecture as well as the tutorial that the professor is over seeing (so I could get an idea of what a tutorial should look like as I have never done one before).

The question presented to the students was, "What countries can you think of that don't have a rule of law?"

(For those who aren't criminologically minded, a "rule of law" has two parts, 1) governments are not able to make arbitrary decisions [they generally have to answer to a court system], and 2) nobody is above the law.)

Many of the answers were reasonable... Zimbabwe, Pakistan, China, etc... and then one kid piped up and said, "The United States". This took the professor off guard... he asked what the student meant. The student replied that the U.S. obviously doesn't have a rule of law with all the secret prisons they have.

This was a new one to me... (and, thankfully, to the prof as well!)

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