
So What's My Story?

After 3 years of being a poor social worker (the work I loved, the pay I didn't), I decided it was time to go back to school and get my Master's! After weighing my options (school far away from home, or school in a different country that is only an 8-hour drive from home) I decided to try my luck in British Columbia, Canada.

For a year I lived in
Surrey, BC while attending Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC. However, as the final component of my work toward my Masters degree in Criminology I have moved back to the states to complete an internship at an Independent Living Program for youth leaving the foster care system.

Here is the story of my adventures as a graduate student in a "foreign" country as well as my current work back in the states.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hard Core

Today, in my 2:30-5:30 lecture, we were discussing development of the human brain and how it can relate to aggression and violent behavior. We had all kinds of wonderfully color coded pictures, definitions of big biology words (like hippocampus and amydgala) and, at 4:30... the fire alarm.

Now, in a typical school situation, the teacher would get the class up and out of the building as quickly as possible. What do hard core graduate level class professors do?

Apparently they turn to the class and say, "I'm willing to work through it if you are."


So, he continued to lecture over the blaring of the fire alarm for about 5-10 minutes until our department's "Fire Warden" (it was really cute, he had a vest and everything), came to the classroom to tell us to evacuate.

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