
So What's My Story?

After 3 years of being a poor social worker (the work I loved, the pay I didn't), I decided it was time to go back to school and get my Master's! After weighing my options (school far away from home, or school in a different country that is only an 8-hour drive from home) I decided to try my luck in British Columbia, Canada.

For a year I lived in
Surrey, BC while attending Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC. However, as the final component of my work toward my Masters degree in Criminology I have moved back to the states to complete an internship at an Independent Living Program for youth leaving the foster care system.

Here is the story of my adventures as a graduate student in a "foreign" country as well as my current work back in the states.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

From Way Up High!

I told y'all that my school was on a mountain! lol

(Sometimes I have to pop my ears on the way back down!)

SFU as seen from a plane


  1. your comment thing is not working on your current posts---I am trying to see if it will work here!

  2. Yes, and it did not want to work here --I fiddled with it---but it will not allow me to do so on your current posts----it is the word verification thing--it just keeps saying loading. I have had the same trouble this week with some of my blogs!
